WP5 aims to foster regular debates among scholars, students, civil society actors and policymakers to understand contestations to EU values and develop counterstrategies rooted in society. The work package includes the following objectives:
- Promote policy debates with civil society stakeholders.
- Map and visualise existing counteractions to contestations of EU values.
ValEUs is structured in a decentralised way as each partner institution coordinates the implementation of specific tasks, activities or events across the six work packages. Since the global network builds on the exchange of ideas and regional perspectives, its content-related activities and events foresee the broad participation of ValEUs partners. Each work package entails specific tasks (light blue), which can include multiple activities and/or events (green).
WP5 Outline:

WP5 Team:
Lead: University of Amsterdam (UvA)
Co-lead: University of Guadalajara (UDG)
Coordinating institutions: European University Viadrina (EUV)