ValEUs Panel Discussion Recording: European values and the handling of conflicts in Eastern Europe and the Middle East

In the ValEUs Panel Discussion from 27 January 2025, Dr. Nina Sajic (University of Banja Luka) and Dr. Ayhan Kaya (İstanbul Bilgi University) discussed a specific dimension of European values: the handling of conflicts in Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

The speakers elaborated on the role of the EU in these regions, focusing on the question of to what extent the EU lives up to the values it promises in its founding documents.

This ValEUs Panel Discussion was organised as part of Prof. Timm Beichelt’s seminar “Which values/valEUs is the European Union based on?” at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder).

The seminar aimes to convey insights and perspectives from the global research and education network to Viadrina students and to encourage their input along the network’s central themes and questions through the network’s key initiative of “ValEUs Student Policy Briefs”. The Viadrina is delighted to strengthen its participation in this network initiative through a local partnership with the Europäische Akademie Berlin.

The event was organised in cooperation with the Institute for European Studies of the European University Viadrina (IFES).

Speakers & Moderator

Nina Sajic

Dr. Nina Sajic is an assistant professor in international relations and Department chair of Political Science at the School of Political Science, the University of Banja Luka. Her research interests include federalism, multilevel governance, identity politics, conflict analysis, nationalism, international relations, diplomacy etc.

Ayhan Kaya

Dr. Ayhan Kaya is the Director of the European Institute. He is a Professor of Politics and Jean Monnet Chair of European Politics of Interculturalism at the Department of International Relations, İstanbul Bilgi University; and a member of the Science Academy, Turkey.

Timm Beichelt

Dr. Timm Beichelt is a Professor of European Studies at the European University Viadrina. His teaching and research focus on Democracy and Autocracy in Central and Eastern Europe, European Union Politics, Politics and Football, and Emotions in Politics. © Heide Fest

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.