ValEUs Workshop: Critical Perspectives on European Values

ValEUs Workshop: Critical Perspective on European Values On June 20th and 21st, the first-ever ValEUs workshop took place at Paris University 8. The ValEUs team harnessed the transformative power of collaboration, witnessing a remarkable confluence of expertise and ideas. Co-organized by Kolja Lindner at the University Paris 8 and Amelie Kutter at the European University Viadrina, … Read more

ValEUs Lecture Series (3): Nativist and Islamist Radicalism in Europe (at SPUI25)

On May 31, 2024 Prof. Ayhan Kaya from Bilgi University, gave a thought-provoking lecture about Nativist and Islamist Radicalism in Europe at Spui25, the academic-cultural podium of Amsterdam. During his lecture, he critically reflected on the co-radicalisation of populist young native groups and radical young self-identified Muslims with a migration background in Europe. The lecture … Read more

ValEUs Lecture Series (2): Deliberative Democracy Instruments as a Panacea for Democracy in Crisis

On May 22, 2024 Prof. Paulina Pospieszna from the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland, presented a paper about “Deliberative Democracy Instruments as a Panacea for Democracy in Crisis.” This second Open Lecture series of the ValEUS project, held at the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism (AMU), attracted over 120 listeners. The speech is available on the ValEUs YouTube channel

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