Paris 8 is a french university in social sciences and humanities that has around 23.000 students. With 30 % of its students coming from abroad and 157 nationalities represented on campus, the university conceives itself as “world-university”. Several partnerships underline this ambition, i.e. “The Critical Edge Alliance” (a global collaborative framework for universities that focus upon student-centered learning, critical thinking, interdisciplinary teaching and research, and social engagement counting 9 members all over the world), ERUA (“European Reform University Alliance”, 8 European universities with a shared pedagogical approach focused on project-based learning, societal challenges and critical thinking) as well as 100 framework agreements and 324 Erasmus+ agreements with 160 partner institutions. On of these is the German-French Master programm “Social and Cultural Sciences” the local team member, Kolja Lindner, has built up.
Team members

Kolja Lindner
Kolja Lindner is Associate professor for political theory at university Paris 8. As a political theorist, he has worked on hegemony, secularism and racism within the French society as well as on Eurocentrism in Karl Marx’s work and global history more generally. His current research project is entitled "Critical Theories’ Social Epistemology: Marx’s India, Adorno’s Jazz, Arendt’s Little Rock and Foucault’s Iran". Recent publications include "Marx, Marxism, and the Question of Eurocentrism" (2022) and "Die Hegemoniekämpfe in Frankreich. Laizismus, politische Repräsentation und Sarkozysmus" (2017).