Universidad del Norte

The Universidad del Norte (Uninorte) is a private, non-profit Higher Education Institution that was created in 1966 in Barranquilla, Colombia. It is located in the Colombian Caribbean and it is recognized as one of the best universities in the country for its clear commitment to excellence in educating its students and in the creation of knowledge, its high impact on development at the regional and national level, and in constant dialogue with the global society in the search for a better future.

The Faculty of Law, Political Science and International Relations has a consolidated trajectory of high-impact research and publications on the European Union, with special emphasis on its relations with Latin America. The ValUEs Project will be carried out in this Faculty the with the support of the International Agenda research group and the Institute of European studies of the University.

Team members

Silvana Insignares-Cera

Silvana Insignares-Cera. is the Director and Professor of the Law Department at Uninorte. Ph.D. in Law and master's in international Trade Management, University of Valencia (Spain). Specialist in Processes of Integration of the European and Latin American Union, Carlos III University of Madrid. Leader of the Jean Monnet Module at Uninorte. Academic Coordinator of the master's in law of commerce. Research expertise: EU and Latin American cooperation and integration processes.

Mariangela Rueda-Fiorentino

Mariangela Rueda Fiorentino is the Director of the Political Science and International Relations Department. Professor in the Political Science and International Relations Department, Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia. Ph.D. in Social and Political Change at the University of Florence. M.A. in Development Sciences and International Cooperation from the University of La Sapienza, Rome, Italy. Research expertise: international cooperation, the EU and its cooperation relations with non-governmental actors in Latin America.

Jairo Agudelo-Taborda

Jairo Agudelo-Taborda. Ph.D. in International Politics from La Sapienza University in Rome. Ph.D. in Political Philosophy from Lateran University in Rome. Master's degree in international politics from the School of International Politics, Cooperation, and Development. Professor in the Department of Political Science and International Relations. His research focuses on European Cooperation Policies for Development and Social Development Processes for Latin America. Director of the Institute of European Studies