Libertas International University

Libertas International University is the oldest private university in Croatia. It developed out of Libertas Business School in Zagreb and DIU Libertas International University in Zagreb and Dubrovnik. In 2016, these two institutions merged, and today Libertas International University consists of four faculties and a business school.
Classes at Libertas are held in Zagreb, Dubrovnik and Kutina, with the difference that all the classes in Dubrovnik are held in English, while the classes in Zagreb and Kutina are in Croatian. Full-time and part-time students are given a choice between a large number of undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate specialist, and postgraduate doctoral study programs. So far, the opportunities that Libertas offers have been welcomed by students from Croatia and 30 other countries from all over the world.
Libertas hosts a number of academic activities and is home to the annual international conference STATE (IN)STABILITY: Past, present and future perspectives for the nation-state. Additionally, Libertas students and staff regularly use Erasmus+ opportunities and the university thrives on an already rich tradition of student and faculty exchange.

Team members

Stipe Buzar

Stipe Buzar is Associate Professor at Libertas International University (LIU), and holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Zagreb where he has held adjunct teaching positions. He regularly attends international conferences, and publishes in international journals, so far most notably Philosophia (Springer) in 2020, and has authored and co-authored two books regarding the realist tradition in international relations, just war theory, and the problems of global poverty. He has been Erasmus+ visiting professor at Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw (2018), Poland, and at OTH Regensburg in Germany (2022/2023). He was a management committee member of the COST funded ENTAN network (2019-2023). He is an executive editor at Political Analysis: Croatian and International Politics Quarterly, and editorial board member at International Studies, a Croatian academic journal focusing on international relations. He is organizer of STATE (IN)STABILITY.

Damir Mladić

Damir Mladić is an assistant professor at the Libertas International University in Zagreb and the head of the doctoral studies in International Relations jointly conducted by the University of Zadar and Libertas University. He regularly teaches the following courses: Political Concepts and Ideologies, Introduction to International Relations and Theories of International Relations. He worked as an external associate at the Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Sciences of the University of Zagreb and at VERN' University, and as an Erasmus coordinator and professor at the Zagreb School of Economics and Management. He is the head of the scientific internal project of Libertas University. He has published two books and numerous scientific and professional articles. He regularly participates in international scientific conferences.

Vladimir Filipović

Vladimir Filipović (1981) holds a PhD in modern history. He is associate professor at Libertas International University in Zagreb and Dubrovnik where he lectures courses World political history; Southeastern Europe. He is an author of the book Under the blue helmets (Ispod plavih šljemova, Zagreb-Sarajevo, 2015.) about UN mission in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina 1992-1995. His main research area is politics in Southeastern Europe in a period 1989-1999. He is the editor in chief of the journal Međunarodne studije.