Kyiv School of Economics

The Kyiv School of Economics (KSE), founded in 1996 in Ukraine, is a world-class academic institution with a reputation for excellence both in Ukraine and internationally. KSE offers Bachelor’s and Master’s programs in Economics, Applied Mathematics IT, Psychology, Urban, Conflict and Memory Studies, Law, Management and Public Administration, educating the future generation of world-class economists, business leaders and policy-makers. In doing so, it helps to improve the economic, business and policymaking environments of Ukraine and its neigbouring countries. 
Internationally recognized Master’s programs allow students to receive dual degrees from the University of Houston and the University of Toronto. These KSE programs are taught in English by professors, who earned PhDs in European Union and US universities and are considered to be the best in Ukraine. For those who aspire to the academic world, preparation at KSE enabled 104 KSE graduates to earn PhDs from top Western universities and most now teach there as well. Forbes rates Top Ukrainian Economic Thinkers: of the top 15, 13 are graduates of KSE.

KSE management education offers an outstanding background and the skills required for strategic business planning and for managing day-to-day business:
– Management Mastery Programs
– Corporate Programs
– MBA Program

These programs are targeted towards executives, consultants, analysts and other private and public sector practitioners. KSE management education is different because we measure ourselves against international standards and compete in the global marketplace. KSE is the leader in policy advice and formulation in Ukraine at this historic moment. KSE gathers leaders of civil society, think tanks, government representatives, noted economists, thinkers, leaders of business and business associations.

Team members

Tymofii Brik

Rector at KSE University. Tymofii Brik obtained his PhD in sociology from the University Charles III of Madrid (Spain). He was named the Best Young Sociologist of Ukraine in 2018. In the spring of 2023, he was invited to be a professor of international research at Northwestern University. He has also been a visiting researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. In addition, he is the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the analytical center Cedos, a member of the Advisory Board of the "Rating Sellers" project at, the editorial board of the journal Social Forces, and the Advisory Board of the research company Gradus.

Anton Liagusha

Anton Liagusha is the Dean of the Graduate Department of Social Sciences and Humanities. A Candidate of Historical Sciences. He is a researcher at the New School University Consortium (New York). He has taught courses at George Mason University and is an expert in public history, historical narratology, and media communications. He has experience implementing international humanities projects.

Dmytro Iarovyi

PhD in Political Psychology (2019), MSc in International Administration and Global Governance (Goteborg University, 2014), MA in International Information (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 2013). Part-time senior lecturer and researcher at Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania). In 2022-2023 – non-resident fellow at the Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies (IERES) at George Washington University. He worked as the Head of International Communications at the Ministry of Finance and was the Head of the “Public Finance Management” program at KSE from 2017 to 2022. Academic and professional interests: societal resilience to disinformation and propaganda, political psychology, social media. Dmytro teaches courses in the fields of political communication, information security, propaganda, and counter-propaganda.

Maryna Rabinovych

Maryna Rabinovych is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Public Policy and Governance at the KSE. She obtained the PhD in European Legal Studies (magna cum laude) from the University of Hamburg, an LL.M “European and European Legal Studies” (University of Hamburg and Europa-Kolleg Hamburg) and an LL.M from Odesa National University. Maryna held visiting research fellowships at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the University of Vienna, the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and the University of Adger (Norway). Maryna’s research interests encompass international and EU development policy with a focus on political development and fundamental values (rule of law, democracy, good governance), international and EU trade policy, EU external relations and their legal regulation, as well as the actual issues pertaining to Ukrainian politics and law, such as the reform of decentralization and conflict settlement.

Oleksandra Keudel

Oleksandra Keudel is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Public Policy and Governance at Kyiv School of Economics. In her research, she focuses on local democracy, social movements and civic engagement as well as business-political arrangements at the local level in Ukraine. Oleksandra is also a consultant on Open Government, anti-corruption policies and public integrity for international organizations (Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe and the IIEP-UNESCO). She holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the Free University of Berlin (Germany), an MSc in International Administration and Global Governance from the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) and MA in International Information from the Kyiv Institute of International Relations. She has gained experience in management of international and interactive projects in private, civic and the university sector in Ukraine, Sweden and Germany, and is a member of German-Ukrainian Academic Society.